ook upon the examples of the holy Fathers, in whom true perfection and religion shined;† and you will see how little it is, almost nothing, which we do in these days. Alas, what is our life in comparison!
The saints and friends of Christ served Him in hunger and thirst, in cold and nakedness, in labor and weariness, in watchings and fastings, in prayers and holy meditations, in many persecutions and reproaches.† Oh, how many and grievous tribulations did the apostles, martyrs, and all the rest suffer, who willed to follow the steps of Christ! For they hated their lives in this world, that they might keep them to life eternal.†
How strict and self-renouncing a life did those Fathers lead in the wilderness!† How long and grievous temptations they suffered! How often they were assaulted by the enemy! What frequent and fervent prayers they offered to God! How great zeal and ardor they had for their spiritual progress! How fierce a war they waged for the taming of their faults! How pure and upright an intention they kept toward God! Through the day they labored, and in the night they attended to prayer, although when they labored they ceased not from mental prayer. All their time they spent with profit; every hour seemed short for service of God; and